Executive and Leadership Rounding Now Under Way Throughout UM Shore Regional Health

Team-StrengthUM Shore Regional Health’s executive leadership team is now in the second month of a new initiativeExecutive Rounding, which involves meeting with team members throughout the region to talk about common and unique experiences as caregivers at UM SRH.
What is executive rounding?
Executive rounding is not a social visit; is a purposeful, scheduled event.  The intent of rounding is to:

  • Increase executive leadership team visibility throughout the organization
  • Provide opportunity to reinforce UM SRH Values/Mission/Vision
  • Engage directly with staff to identify what is working well and what needs to be improved
  • Identify safety issues; Focus on a Culture of Safety for team members and patients
  • Demonstrate care and concern for team members’ work, recognize their accomplishments and identify their challenges

How does team rounding work?
The third  Wednesday of each month, UM SRH an executive team member will be paired with a leader to round on assigned areas from 8 a.m. – 9 a.m.  Rounding assignments will be posted in advance so staff will be aware of  the rounding schedule. During rounds, executives will ask staff to share their thoughts on the following matters:

  • Name two things we do well.
  • What is one thing we need to do to improve?
  • Do you have what you need to do your job or serve our patients?
  • What is one thing you know of that could harm the patient?
  • Is there anything I can do to help you right now?
  • Are there any team members I should recognize?  

Following the morning rounding, all executive and leader rounding teams will convene to debrief.  Rounding  feedback will be captured electronically, categorized, prioritized and evaluated for resolution.  Communication will be provided to UM SRH team members regarding the resolution for identified issues.
Will executive and leader rounding be expanded to include UM Shore Regional Health’s patients and families?
Yes, along with rounding on SRH team members, rounding will be expanded to include patients and families within a few months.
How will UM SRH team members be informed about the progress of the rounding initiative?
Results and feedback obtained from each month’s rounding will be analyzed and summarized in Compass the second week of the following month. The summary will include notice of the upcoming rounding to occur the third week.
This is an exciting opportunity for UM Shore Regional Health to gain input from all team members and improve the Patient Experience, and we look forward to your participation!