Emergency Surge Drill Set for January 13

On Wednesday, January 13, UM Shore Regional Health will be conducting a preparedness drill. The drill will test our ability to handle a surge of patients in our Emergency Departments through the impatient admitting process. The drill will include UM Shore Medical Centers at Chestertown,  Dorchester, and Easton, as well as the UM Shore Emergency Center at Queenstown.
Beginning around 9 a.m. and lasting until approximately 12 p.m., the drill will be an educational opportunity using role players to help prepare for an actual emergency situation. The drill will take place away from most patient care areas and services at all locations; the scenario should not alarm anyone outside of the facilities. Our team is encouraged to inform patients and visitors inside the facilities of the circumstances so there is no confusion or alarm.
There is still a need for volunteer participants to act as victims in the Dorchester and Easton locations. If any team members are interested, or know of others who may be interested in participating, please contact Michael Boldosser at 410-822-1000, ext. 5923 or mboldosser@umm.edu.