UMMS Rolls Out New Program: Value Spotlight

UMMS has shared an exciting new initiative at UMMS – the “Value Spotlight” program. This program is a testament to our commitment to the core values that define us: Compassion, Diversity, Excellence, Discovery and Integrity. These values are the pillars of our organization, guiding our actions and decisions every day.

Starting this month, we will spotlight one of our values every other month. This initiative aims to deepen our understanding and practice of these values, creating a more vibrant and cohesive workplace. Here’s the schedule for the year:

  • April – Diversity
  • June – Excellence
  • August – Discovery
  • October – Integrity
  • December – Compassion

This month, we are spotlighting the value of Diversity in experience, ideas and perspectives, and our continuing to build a welcoming, inclusive environment for all. This is an opportunity for each of us to embody these principles in our daily work and interactions. Here’s how:

  1. Live the Values: This month, we invite you to keep Diversity in the front of your mind and strive to actively demonstrate it in your interactions with colleagues and patients.
  2. Recognize Other Team Members: When you see a colleague embracing diversity and creating inclusiveness, take the time to recognize them through your member organization’s recognition program, and in other ways.
  3. Share and Celebrate: You are encouraged to share stories and examples of how you and your colleagues are embracing diversity and inclusiveness. Let’s celebrate these moments together!

This program is meant to be a celebration of who we are, what we stand for and the incredible impact we can make when we embody our shared values in our work. Thank you for your dedication and for being a part of making our workplaces and communities better. Together, let’s bring our values to life and continue to make UMMS a place we are all proud to be a part of.