SRH Lab Team Assists New Team Members from the Philippines

Compassion is one of UMMS’s five core values, and our System has a reputation for providing compassionate care for the patients we serve. Less talked about is the compassion we show for each other. Here’s an example of that from UM SRH Laboratory Services that exemplifies what compassion is all about.

Over the winter, UM Shore hired about a dozen team members from the Philippines. They came to a new country eager to work, but with few possessions. Shortly after their arrival, Julie Hospodor, Director of Laboratory Services, heard that several of these new team members were sleeping on inflatable mattresses in an unfurnished apartment. 

Hospodor took it upon herself to help, reaching out to colleagues for donations. Many team members responded with donations including beds, mattresses, tables, chairs, TVs, sofas, bedding, dishes, winter clothing and more — all in an effort to make the new arrivals (two of whom are shown in the photo above) feel welcomed.

SRH Laboratory Services’ team members Margot Pulleyn and Julie Hospodor

Along with their husbands, Hospodor and Margaret Pulleyn, Manager, Laboratory Services in Shore Medical Hospital at Easton, drove to Annapolis with a truck and trailer to pick up much of the heavy furniture, and drove it back across the bridge to move it into their new colleagues’ apartments. Said Hospodor, “I just didn’t think it was right to dump people in a new country with only an inflatable mattress.  We want them to be happy here. We need them! I was happy to help them get settled and feel comfortable.”

Three more team members from the Philippines are anticipated in the next few months, and Hospodor is already working to ensure they have as good a living situation as possible from Day 1.