Blood Emergency Declared in Delmarva Region

Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD) is declaring an emergency as a proactive step to offset a recent decline in blood donations likely from inclement weather, the holidays and school breaks. BBD is sending out an urgent call to donors asking them to donate.

Declaration of a blood emergency raises awareness of the need for blood, encourages first-time and lapsed blood donors to action, and can significantly impact donor appointments and blood donations.

The Blood Bank is prioritizing platelets and type O negative red cells in their call for support from the community.  The inventory of these blood products has dropped along with their supply of B negative red cells. They have increased their available appointments to collect more blood and rebuild their inventory

 Visit BBD’s website, or call 1.888.8.BLOOD.8 for the closest location near you. Some available locations and times in our region for donation are as follows: