Joint Commission Tip of the Week: Point-of-Care Tip Sheet

Point-Of-Care TIP SHEET

  1. Glucometer test strips are good until the printed expiration on the vial. (per manufacturer)
  2. Glucometer controls are good for 3 months from the open date and require handwritten labels.
  3. Urine dipsticks are good until the printed expiration date on the bottle. (per manufacturer)
  4. Urine pregnancy kits are good until the printed expiration date on the package. (per manufacturer)
  5. Urine controls are good for 30 days from open date and require handwritten labels.

Glucometers must be cleaned before and after every use according to Manufacturer’s Instructions for Use (MFIU), cleanse with Super Sani Clothes and must stay visibly wet (dwell Time) for 2 minutes to disinfect.

Lisa Lyons, clinical specialist, Quality Assurance and Point of Care Testing, 410-822-1000, ext. 5246 (office) or 443-521-9935 (mobile) is your point of contact for all Point of Care Testing Quality Assurance.