Joint Commission Preparation: Tip of the Week


How do you, in your job support UM SRH’s mission (Creating Healthier Communities Together)?

Potential Answer/s:

  • I educate my patients regarding their medications and/or diet and/or home exercise program.
  • I refer my patients and their support person to community support groups such as a breast feeding or smoking cessation support group.

How do you, in your job ensure patient safety and support the National Patient Safety Goals?

Potential Answer/s:

  • I always use two patient identifiers when administering ordered medications, treatments or tests.
  • I always wash my hands (soap and water or hand sanitizer) before and after providing care.

What is your department’s/unit’s role in performance improvement (PI), or PI may be referred to as QAPI(Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement), or quality improvement?

Potential Answer/s:

To work on PI initiatives as set by our leaders.


  • We educate our patients and set up post hospitalization care to assist in reducing re-admissions.
  • We report all events, even ones that did not impact the patient. (Good Catch/Near Miss)
  • We implemented care transition rounds.
  • We implemented Quiet hours for our patients.
  • We implemented White Boards to improve communication with our patients.

How do you support and ensure our Patients’ Rights?

Potential Answer/s:

  • I ensure my patient’s support person (as identified by the patient) is involved in my patient’s discharge plan.
  • I explain care being providing prior to providing care and allow my patient to ask and
    have answered questions regarding their care.

How were you oriented and deemed competent to do your job?

Potential Answer/s:

  • When I was hired I attended a hospital orientation and a department/unit based orientation, as well as competency validation specific to my job. Additionally, I completed training through UMMS U, our learning management system (LMS).