Smoking Cessation and Weight Loss Programs for Team Members Begin Monday, January 9

waist-management-1Nearly 100 UM Shore Regional Health team members have signed on to Employee Health & Wellness Services’ weight loss support program, “Waist Management,” that begins this coming Monday, January 9.
According to Nancy Bedell, regional director, Employee Health & Wellness Services, the  96-and-still-counting participants are being organized into 10 teams based at UM Shore Medical Centers at Chestertown, Dorchester and Easton, The Cancer Center, Canvasback and Denton Diagnostics.
“We are very excited at the enthusiastic response to this opportunity and look forward to making the program as much fun as it is beneficial for our team members who want to lose weight and improve their health,” says Bedell.
Today (Friday, January 6) is the last day to sign up for Waist Management and also for the Smoking Cessation program. The sign up forms are located on Wavelength, the UM SRH intranet, under Employee Health & Wellness Services.