The Fund Committee invites you to join fellow team members for a festive day in NYC on one of two dates: Wednesday 12/4 or Saturday 12/7! The bus travel schedule for both days is as follows:
7:00 a.m. – Depart from Kent Narrows Park & Ride
10:45 a.m. – Arrive in Times Square
7:00 p.m. – Depart Times Square
11:00 p.m. – Arrive Kent Narrows Park & Ride
With this stress-free travel, you can enjoy your day in “the Big Apple” with an activity of your choice — take in a show, visit a museum, take a tour, or do your holiday shopping — these are just a few possibilities!
Tickets are $70 per person; full payment will be due in October. Each bus can accommodate a maximum of 56 people. Team members may purchase up to 4 tickets each.
Please email if you plan to attend or have any questions. We will confirm these reservations in September and open up groups to larger than 4 if bus is not sold out.