Shore Regional Health is Shedding the Pounds

waist-management-1“Waist Management” is off to a great start, reports Nancy Bedell, regional director, Employee Health & Wellness Services. “There are 119 staff participating on 11 teams at five locations. We even have one virtual team with people from some of the smaller locations.”
The first challenge was to create team names. So far, team names chosen are:

  • “The Canvasback Cast-a-Weighs” — Canvasback
  • “Thin-it-to-Win-it”  — Cancer Center/DIC
  • “Team Hungry” — Chestertown
  • “Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club” — Easton
  • “The Slimsons”  — Easton
  • “Slim Down Sisters (SDS)” — Peri-Operative services

At weekly team meetings, participants have been great at sharing ideas, recipes and support. Who ever thought that “cauliflower rice” would be delicious? Or that an air fryer could cook up fried chicken as crispy as a deep fryer?  Avocado mayonnaise, anyone?
And the scale says: At the end of the 2nd week of the program, Shore Regional Health is more than 170 pounds lighter!
If you are working with anyone who is on a Waist Management team, please encourage him or her (and stop bringing in donuts for the office)!