Auxiliary Makes Donation for Vital Equipment at Chestertown

Front row: Marjorie Shaffer, RN, BSN; Reverend Mae Etta Moore; Naomi Blackshire, president; Ralph Beaton and Beth O’Patterson, RN. Middle row: Robert Tate; Barbara Wilson; Alice Johnson; Ann Mae Dorsey and Margaret Cooper. Back: Virginia Roberts; Linda Blake; Henry Cotton; Howard Tille and Charlotte Murray

In response to a request by the nurses at UM Shore Medical Center at Chestertown, the Chester River Hospital Center Auxiliary – Naomi Blackshire, President, donated $1000 to purchase manual blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes that can be used in the event of an extended power failure.

Today, nearly all medical equipment is powered by electricity and operated though a computer. Emergency power generators and special electrical outlets are available throughout all hospitals; however, not every piece of equipment can be plugged in when the power goes off.

“The addition of these blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes will allow our nurses to continue to provide exceptional patient care in a timely manner even when the power goes out,” says Sandy Prochaska, inpatient nurse manager.  “Blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate are three of the most important vital signs to monitor. During a power outage, our new manual equipment will better enable nurses to assess the general health of a patient, get possible clues to impending conditions and show  their progress toward recovery. We are grateful for everything our auxiliaries do for us and our patients.”